Tuesday, May 3, 2016

I'm Back (At least for now)

This blog fell into the same category of other things in my life in which I was excited about first and then gradually lost interest in unfortunately. I decided to write a post today for 2 reasons. 1. because I'm currently taking an Intro to Web Design course (part of the Digital Adverting Certificate program I mentioned in my Introduction post) and had begun thinking about how my blog was doing, all alone and neglected lol. Looking at it now I also think the design and color scheme could use a lot of work lol. The second reason I decided to post is because it's my birthday month and I told myself that for each day of this month (31) I would do something new each day. I went back and forth on this decision because I couldn't really think of 31 new things to do without having to spend money or go somewhere. I so far have managed to prove myself wrong and I've done 3 new things in 3 days. The "new" things I've done are listed below but please note that they're not very exciting.

May 1st- I tried a new shrimp recipe. It's a very simple and easy but it was new to me.
May 2nd-I took the stairs for the first time instead of the elevator at my doctor's office
May 3rd-I sauteed cabbage for the first time and it was delicious and easy

Another thing I want you to note is that I like food and eating. So a lot of these new things are probably going to be food related.

I really hope I can keep this up for another 28 days and I really want to do some fun and exciting things as the day goes on. I also hope I keep blogging as well.

But with anything else in life we'll just have to wait and see how it goes.


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