Friday, April 17, 2015

It's The Little Things

I am literally fighting to stay awake as I write this but I've been enjoying blogging so much that I really wanted to post or at least start a post and publish it later. For me Thursday was a good day (cue Ice Cube Today Was A Good Day) and I want to share why it went so well so I'll recap all the good moments of my day.

#1 I remembered to set my alarm from the night before so good moment 1 is waking up and waking up on time. As a  result of this I was able to take my time getting ready for work and eating my breakfast like a normal person instead of like a chicken with its head cut off.

#2 Is a branch off from #1 in that I was able to make the earlier train and get to work on time instead of 15 minutes late and I got a seat on the train.

#3 The weather was beautiful; sunny and warm. 

#4 I decided to eat lunch outside and take advantage of the beautiful weather right outside of the Flatiron building. I was lucky enough to get a seat. At a table. By myself. This was really the highlight of my day. 

We get so caught up in the activities of daily life and the stresses that come with it we often forget to take time to enjoy the little things. I'm going to give you all a challenge. This is something else I learned and implemented into my daily life once I started my weight loss program. The challenge is to have 5 minutes of quiet time for yourself everyday. You may be thinking that 5 minutes is too much and you don't have time but let me break it down this way. There are 1,440 minutes in each day. 5 minutes out of that 1,440 is 0.003. So now ask yourself if you have less than 1% of your day for yourself to have some quiet time? I thought as much. Your quiet time can be anything from turning off your cellphone or computer and meditating, enjoying a cup/cone of your favorite ice cream, or listening and singing/dancing crazy to your favorite song. Whatever it is own it and have fun with it because you deserve it. 

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