Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Before I introduce myself let me be frank. I only created this blog because I had to. It was one of the first assignments we had for my Intro to Social Media Marketing class. It's an online only course taught via WebEx and it's one of 6 courses offered by Temple University as part of their Digital Advertising Certificate program which I'm currently pursing. But instead of creating the blog just for the purpose of getting credit and completing the assignment I'm gonna step outside of my comfort zone and have a little fun with this. 

My name is Kimberly John, I'm 26 years old, I was raised and currently live in Freeport, NY with my family, and I have my Bachelors of Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing from Temple. I'm a full time Grassroots Ambassador for Verizon FiOS, a part-time "student" at Temple, and  I'm also a part-time health coach with the Take Shape for Life Company. Sounds like a lot but I'm fortunate enough to make it work for me.

My decision to be a health coach started back in January when I was at the recreation center working out intensely with my personal trainer 4x/week and had began seeing these posters about a free 12 week health transformation program. I was already working out to lose weight (and paying for it) so I figured if there was something that was going to help me lose weight and it was free then I should definitely check it out. 

It was there that I met my health coach Corrine Potter and began incrementally learning habits of health that would lead to optimal health and weight loss. I was taking heed of what I learned at the meetings and implementing them into my everyday life while I continued to workout intensely and slowly lose weight. 

At the beginning of March I decided to take the extra step and make a lifestyle change by getting on the Take Shape for Life Plan. I started on March 9th, 2015 and in 3 weeks I lost 12 pounds. After I saw how much weight I lost and how quickly I decided to pay it forward and on March 13th I became a health coach to help people just like me. 

I'm going to be giving you all a peek into my life and what it is I do as a health coach. I'll be posting meals that I'm having on a particular day, recipes, client transformations, health tips, and more. Feel free to follow me on instagram @SlimWitKim

 Stay tuned and I hope you enjoy Kim's  Healthy Habits.

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