Saturday, March 11, 2017


So looking back at my previous posts I did complete my 31 days of new things last May but I didn't finish writing the blog posts for all of them. I might try again this May or try another challenge of doing something for 31 days.

I decided to write this post since I gave up social media for Lent this year. Since I'm not wasting time spending endless hours scrolling through my timeline I decided to spend some time writing. Since I've given up social media I find myself playing games on my phone more frequently and watching tv more frequently. I borrowed a book from the library so I've had some time to read that. It was a good time for me to give up social media because I'm transitioning to a new company for work and I've been inundated with paperwork and other tasks so I'm glad I'm able to give that my undivided attention. I really hope to discover new things about myself or learn something positive during my time off social media. I also kinda hope that after Lent is over and I'm back on social media that I do spend less time on it than before.

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